Through The Inferno General Community Rules
The following rules are applicable to the entire Through The Inferno (hereinafter “TTI”) community, to include the Discord server and the DCS game servers.
I. Agreement
By participating in the TTI community, you agree to follow all existing rules and understand these rules are subject to change at any time.
Participation is defined as including but not necessarily limited to:
- Posting text messages or media in the TTI Discord server
- Participating in voice chat in the TTI Discord server
- Participating in one of the TTI game servers
II. Enforcement
All rules are enforced at the discretion of the Moderators and Admins (hereinafter the “administrative team”).
The administrative team has broad authority and discretion to enforce (or not enforce) all stated rules, as well as take action that is not based in a specific rule where it is deemed critical to uphold the TTI vision, mission, and community health.
Enforcement actions include but are not necessarily limited to:
- Warnings
- Removal of posts
- Time-out from the TTI Discord server
- Kicks from the TTI Discord server
- Temporary bans from the TTI Discord server
- Permanent bans from the TTI Discord server
- Game server specific enforcement as discussed in DCS game server rule 2 (“Enforcement, DCS specifics”)
III. Appeals
Enforcement actions can be appealed on the TTI Discord in the #rule_violations channel.
Enforcement actions are generally appealed to the enforcing member of the administrative team, barring the following exceptions:
- Long-term absence of the member, their unhandled appeals may be taken over by another member of the administrative team after 48 hours.
- Former members of the administrative team, their enforcement actions may be reviewed by any current member of the administrative team. If the former member of the administrative team left on good terms and remains in good standing, they may be consulted for their opinion on the matter.
- Enforcement actions by the autoadmin script, see DCS game server rule 3 (“Appeals, DCS specifics”)
- Enforcement actions by TTI Guardians, they are reviewed by a member of the administrative team.
If you feel like you have been subject to unfair treatment by a member of the administrative team, either in the original enforcement action, or in the course of your appeal, you may contact another Admin.
IV. Common sense
To put it bluntly: don’t be an idiot. Use common sense. If a reasonable person would know better than to take a given action in this community, so should you.
Be smart about how you are contributing to the community. Your personal enjoyment should be second to the health of the community as a whole.
V. Respect & maturity
Fun is encouraged, but not at the expense of others. The TTI community does not tolerate personal attacks and discrimination.
We do not accept abusive, defamatory, derogatory, or otherwise offensive language, whether in the form of messages, user names, or user descriptions.
This includes but may not be limited to the following:
- Discrimination based on age
- Discrimination based on disability
- Discrimination based on gender identity
- Discrimination based on nationality
- Discrimination based on political beliefs
- Discrimination based on race or ethnicity
- Discrimination based on religious beliefs
- Discrimination based on sex or sexual orientation
VI. Explicit content
Posts including gore, excessive violence, or sexual/pornograhic material are generally prohibited.
Within reason (reference rule IV, “Common sense”), linking to material in violation of the above may be tolerated in channels marked as age-restricted, when a clear nexus to the TTI community’s interest in combat aviation can be established, and the material is posted with the intent to start a discussion regarding it, or in the course of a discussion, to augment it.
VII. Confidential material, doxing
Posting classified/confidential material (such as certain military documents), as well as the unauthorized disclosure of personal information (“doxing”) is prohibited and is subject to immediate removal and strict enforcement.
VIII. Spam
Sending messages that lack meaningful content, coherence, or relevance to ongoing discussions, as well as sending the same or a similar message repeatedly is prohibited.
IX. Pings
Repeated pinging (@) of other users, to include repeated mentioning of staff roles (e.g. Server Tech, Moderators, Admins) is prohibited.
This does not apply to urgent situations, such as spamming by compromised accounts, long-term server outages, or similar emergencies. Use common sense (see rule IV).
X. Promotion
Outside promotion is not allowed without permission of the administrative team.
This includes but may not not be limited to the following:
- Promoting other DCS communities, such as multiplayer servers or virtual squadrons
- Promoting social media accounts (such as YouTube or Twitch channels)
The above does not apply to the following situations:
- Linking to community Discords of Eagle Dynamics or one of their third-party partners
- Linking to content related to TTI
- Linking or discussion of other communities, or social media accounts in the course of regular conversation
XI. Channels
Keep conversations relevant to their channels. We realize that conversations may occasionally wander off-topic, however if it prolongs please consider moving it to a more appropriate channel.
In particular, the #rule_violations channel is dedicated to the reporting of rule violations and the appeal of administrative action. In the interest of efficiency and non-partial administration, the only permitted messages in this channel are:
- From a community member reporting the illicit actions of another member of the community
- From an accused party regarding their own actions
- From a sanctioned party regarding the appeal of their sanctions
- From a member of the administrative team in the course of the investigation of rule violations and the handling of appeals.
Any extraneous messages, to include well-intended discussion, will be removed and subject to further administrative action. This ensures a clean and orderly process for all.
Through The Inferno DCS Server Specific Rules
In addition to the TTI Community Rules, which remain in full force, the following additional rules are applicable to the TTI DCS game servers.
1. Agreement
By participating in the TTI DCS game servers, you agree to follow all existing rules and understand that these rules are subject to change at any time.
2. Enforcement, DCS specifics
All rules are enforced at the discretion of the TTI Guardians, Moderators, and Admins, as well as the autoadmin script.
To maintain an enjoyable experience on our DCS game servers, enforcement actions there include but are not necessarily limited to:
- Warnings
- Removal from the aircraft slot (“spec kick”)
- Kicks from the game server
- Temporary ban from one game server (autoadmin enforcement)
- Indefinite ban from all TTI game servers
3. Appeals, DCS specifics
DCS server specific enforcement actions can generally be appealed on the TTI Discord in the #rule_violations channel as described in TTI community rule III (“Appeals”), with the following exception:
- Temporary bans by the autoadmin script are generally not appealable unless a malfunction on the part of the autoadmin or an exceptional case of injustice (e.g. a standoff weapon is launched at a target from a far distance and impacts another aircraft mid-air) is suspected.
4. Reckless behavior
Do not behave in a reckless manner that may result in damage to another member of your coalition.
Possible behaviors that can be seen as reckless include but are not limited to:
- Aerobatics over airfields and other player spawn locations (such as aircraft carriers or FARPs). This also includes low altitude and/or high-speed passes over these locations when not done for an operational reason, such as overhead breaks.
- Taxi speeds in excess of 50 knots ground speed. This does not apply to taxiing on runways.
- Non-consensual close formation flying.
- Firing missiles, especially infrared or active-radar missiles, into engagements where friendly aircraft are merged with hostile aircraft.
- Employment (to include jettisoning) of any weaponry within the vicinity of friendly spawn locations. This does not apply in the defense of that spawn location against enemy forces.
- Taxiing across ramps outside of designated taxi lanes.
5. Team kills
Team kills and team hits are prohibited. There is no exception for consensual team kills (e.g. during mock air combat between friends).
6. Restricted missions
Some missions are restricted to certain aircraft types.
- Engaging designated helicopter missions (to include “infantry assault” missions) is reserved for helicopters, World War II era aircraft, Korean War era aircraft, and trainer aircraft (the “authorized participants”).
- The above prohibition does not apply when a prohibited aircraft is in coordination with, and has the consent of, all authorized participants at the restricted mission.
7. Airfield operations
- All players should make an effort to follow good air traffic etiquette to the best of their abilities.
- Takeoffs and landings are to be executed in a timely manner.
- Using runways or taxiways to rearm, refuel, repair, or park is prohibited. If you are unable to clear the runway or taxiway you must reslot. This prohibition can be suspended at the direction of air traffic control staff.
- Taxiway takeoffs and landings are prohibited. This prohibition can be suspended at the direction of air traffic control staff.
- Notwithstanding the prohibition on taxiway takeoffs and landings, vertical takeoffs and landings by VTOL fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters are permitted.
- It is the responsibility of all players to avoid runway incursions, crashes on airfields, and collisions with other players or AI.
- During uncontrolled operation, players must state their intentions in advance, preferably using SRS, but at a minimum via the in-game chat.
8. Naval aircraft operations
- All players should make an effort to follow good air traffic etiquette to the best of their abilities.
- Only the F-14A, F-14B, F/A-18C, AV-8B, and helicopters may operate on Nimitz-class and Forrestal-class aircraft carriers.
- Only the Su-33 and helicopters may operate on Kuznetsov-class aircraft carriers.
- Only the AV-8B and helicopters may operate on Tarawa-class amphibious assault ships and Invincible-class aircraft carriers..
- Only helicopters may operate on types of ships that were not previously mentioned, such as Ticonderoga-class cruisers, Arleigh Burke-class destroyers, and Oliver Hazard Perry-class frigates.
- Takeoffs and landings are to be executed in a timely manner.
- Takeoff and landing areas are to not to be used for rearming, refueling, repairing, or parking.
- It is the responsibility of all players to avoid crashes on the carrier and collisions with other players or AI.
9. Controllers
- All activity by human controllers (to include air traffic control, carrier control, and ABMs/AWACS/C2s etc.) must be sanctioned by the TTI administrative team.
- When human air traffic control is active at a given airfield or carrier, all players must comply with their instructions and establish two-way communication with the controller via SRS or in-game chat.
10. Nuclear weapons
The loading, arming, or employment of nuclear weapons is strictly prohibited.