Updated: 27 May 2020
+ Add Super Carrier
+ Add non-Super Carrier, LHA-1 and Kuznetsov
+ Add more F-14B and F/A-18 Slots to Carrier
+ Add 107th JAS slots to Carrier
+ Move Intel Reports to F10
+ Add “Quick” Intel Reports for those interested in quick active mission information
+ Add Ka-50 Slots to Mountain FARP
+ All F-14B and F/A-18C slots have unique side numbers
– Remove redundant check for “in air” units in zone to improve performance.
– Remove dual A2G Easy Missions temporarily to improve performance
+ Add Mission Operation Names to Map Markers
+ Server resets every 6 hours to avoid endless deck crew spawning which cause issues after 6 hours.
Persian Gulf:
+ Add Super Carrier
+ Add non-Super Carrier, LHA-1 and Kuznetsov
+ Add more F-14B and F/A-18 Slots to Carrier
+ Add 107th JAS slots to Carrier
+ Move Intel Reports to F10
+ Add “Quick” Intel Reports for those interested in quick active mission information
+ Fixed an issue where A2G Normal missions were not completing properly
+ Add logic to despawn red aircraft when they land since AWACS/EWRS still report them when they have landed.
– Remove redundant check for “in air” units in zone to improve performance.
+ Changed Path of CVN-74 to avoid collision with land ~5 hours.
– Remove dual A2G Easy Missions temporarily to improve performance.
+ Server resets every 6 hours to avoid endless deck crew spawning which cause issues after 6 hours.